Core Reports localization for Lithuania

Lithuanian localization for Core Reports in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

The localization extension allows you to print the most necessary reports according to Lithuanian Republic requirements.

Core Reports localization for Lithuania includes these reports:

  • Sales Invoice
  • Credit Invoice
  • Debit Invoice
  • Sales Shipment
  • Sales Packing List
  • Transfer Shipment
  • Sales Advance Invoice
  •  Purchase Order
  • Fixed Asset Card
  • Company Debts Reconciliation
  • Account Note
  • Bank Advance Account
  • Vendor Advance Account
  • Cash Book
  • Cash Receipt
  • Cash Withdrawal


  • Possibility to choose a different report language than the applications – Lithuanian or English
  • Integrated option to select which report to print in report selection

Core Reports is one of the other localization apps for Lithuania which include apps like:

  • Lithuanian language for Lithuania
  • Core functionality localization for Lithuania
  • VAT Reporting localization for Lithuania
  • SEPA localization for Lithuania
  • i.SAF localization for Lithuania
  • Core Fixed Asset localization for Lithuania

Currency Rate from LB for Lithuania includes:

  • Currency Rate Import for Today
  • Currency Rate Import for Date
  • Currency Rate Import for Date Period


  • Possibility to set periodic work for exchange rate import


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